Assembly language ================= Programs for the MCI can be written in the built-in assembly language, IAL (Intermediate Assembly Language). The assembler takes as input a series of source files and assembles them to a single output file (a module). The grammar is: .. productionlist:: Program : { `TypeDeclaration` | `GlobalFieldDeclaration` | `ThreadFieldDeclaration` | `FunctionDeclaration` | `DataBlockDeclaration` | `EntryPointDeclaration` | `ThreadEntryPointDeclaration` | `ThreadExitPointDeclaration` | `ModuleEntryPointDeclaration` | `ModuleExitPointDeclaration` } Module references have the grammar: .. productionlist:: Module : `Identifier` Some common grammar elements that will be used: .. productionlist:: DecimalDigit : "0" .. "9" DecimalSequence : `DecimalDigit` { `DecimalDigit` } HexadecimalDigit : `DecimalDigit` | "a" .. "f" | "A" .. "F" HexadecimalSequence : `HexadecimalDigit` { `HexadecimalDigit` } IdentifierCharacter : "." | "_" | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' Identifier : `IdentifierCharacter` { `IdentifierCharacter` | `DecimalDigit` } | `QuotedIdentifier` QuotedIdentifierCharacter : ? any character ? - "'" | "\'" QuotedIdentifier : "'" `QuotedIdentifierCharacter` { `QuotedIdentifierCharacter` } "'" Literal : [ "+" | "-" ] ( `IntegerLiteral` | `FloatingPointLiteral` | "nan" | "inf" ) LiteralArray : `Literal` { "," `Literal` } IntegerLiteral : `DecimalSequence` | "0x" `HexadecimalSequence` FloatingPointLiteral : `DecimalSequence` "." `DecimalSequence` [ "e" [ "+" | "-" ] `DecimalSequence` ] Line comments are allowed anywhere. They start with ``//`` and go until the end of the line, e.g.:: // This is a comment. x = ari.add y, z; // Another comment. Types +++++ Structure types are aggregates of members. They can be used to form objects of strongly typed data, and can be allocated on the stack, the native heap, and on the GC-managed heap. Type declarations have the grammar: .. productionlist:: TypeDeclaration : [ `MetadataList` ] "type" `Identifier` [ `AlignSpecification` ] "{" { `FieldDeclaration` } "}" AlignSpecification : "align" `Literal` The alignment specification can be used to override the automatic alignment algorithm that the MCI uses. Type references have the grammar: .. productionlist:: Type : [ `Module` "/" ] `Identifier` The module reference is optional. If it is not specified, the type is looked up in the module being assembled. The grammar for type specifications is: .. productionlist:: ReturnType : "void" | `TypeSpecification` TypeSpecification : `CoreType` | `Type` | `PointerType` | `ReferenceType` | `ArrayType` | `VectorType` | `StaticArrayType` | `FunctionPointerType` PointerType : `TypeSpecification` "*" ReferenceType : `TypeSpecification` "&" ArrayType : `TypeSpecification` "[" "]" VectorType : `TypeSpecification` "[" `Literal` "]" StaticArrayType : `TypeSpecification` "{" `Literal` "}" FunctionPointerType : `ReturnType` "(" `TypeParameterList` ")" [ `CallingConvention` ] TypeParameterList : "(" [ `TypeSpecification` { "," `TypeSpecification` } ] ")" CoreType : "int" | "uint" | "int8" | "uint8" | "int16" | "uint16" | "int32 | "uint32" | "int64" | "uint64" | "float32" | "float64" Members ------- A member consists of a type and a name. Members are variables that represent the physical contents of structure types. Member declarations have the grammar: .. productionlist:: MemberDeclaration : [ `MetadataList` ] "field" `TypeSpecification` `Identifier` ";" Member references have the grammar: .. productionlist:: Member : `Type` ":" `Identifier` Fields ++++++ Fields that go into global or thread-local storage have the grammar: .. productionlist:: GlobalFieldDeclaration : "field" "global" `TypeSpecification` `Identifier` `ForeignFieldSpecification` ";" ThreadFieldDeclaration : "field" "thread" `TypeSpecification` `Identifier` `ForeignFieldSpecification` ";" ForeignFieldSpecification : [ "(" `ForeignSymbol` ")" ] Global fields are like global variables in C: They are shared across all threads in a process. Thread-local variables, on the other hand, get a unique instance per thread. If a foreign field specification is given, the field is effectively a forward declaration for a field in another MCI module. It will be resolved and bound the first time it is used at runtime. Field references have the grammar: .. productionlist:: GlobalField : [ `Module` "/" ] `Identifier` ThreadField : [ `Module` "/" ] `Identifier` Functions +++++++++ Functions are the MCI's answer to the procedure abstraction. A function takes a number of parameters as input and returns a single output value. Function declarations have the grammar: .. productionlist:: FunctionDeclaration : [ `MetadataList` ] "function" `FunctionAttributes` `ReturnType` `Identifier` `ParameterList` [ `CallingConvention` ] "{" `FunctionBody` "}" FunctionAttributes : [ "ssa" ] [ "pure" ] [ "nooptimize" ] [ "noinline" ] [ "noreturn" ] [ "nothrow" ] CallingConvention : "cdecl" | "stdcall" FunctionBody : { `RegisterDeclaration` | `BasicBlockDeclaration` } The ``ssa`` attribute specifies that the function is in SSA form. When a function is in SSA form, registers may only be assigned exactly once (i.e. using a register without assigning it is illegal), and must have an incoming definition before being used. The ``copy`` instruction is not allowed in SSA form. If a function is not in SSA form, the ``phi`` instruction is not allowed. The ``pure`` attribute indicates that calls to the function can safely be reordered as the optimizer and code generator see fit. In other words, the function is referentially transparent: Calling it with the same arguments at any point in time will always yield the same result. This attribute should be used carefully, as incorrect use can result in wrong code generation. The ``nooptimize`` flag indicates that a function must not be optimized. It will be ignored entirely by the optimization pipeline. The ``noinline`` flag prevents a function from being inlined at call sites. The ``noreturn`` flag indicates that a function does not return normally (e.g. by using ``return`` or ``leave``). The optimization and code generation pipeline will assume that any code following a call to a ``noreturn`` function is effectively dead. Functions marked with ``noreturn`` are still allowed to throw exceptions, unless also marked ``nothrow``. The ``nothrow`` flag indicates that a function does not throw any exceptions. This property is transitive in the sense that all functions called by a ``nothrow`` function are also assumed to be ``nothrow``. If a ``nothrow`` function does throw, behavior is undefined. Function references have the grammar: .. productionlist:: Function : [ `Module` "/" ] `Identifier` The module reference is optional. If it is not specified, the function is looked up in the module being assembled. Parameters ---------- Parameters have the grammar: .. productionlist:: Parameter = `ParameterAttributes` `TypeSpecification` ParameterAttributes = [ "noescape" ] ParameterList : "(" [ [ `MetadataList` ] `Parameter` { "," [ `MetadataList` ] `Parameter` } ] ")" The ``noescape`` attribute only has significance for pointers, references, arrays, vectors, and function pointers. It indicates that the function will not escape an alias (i.e. pointer) to the pointed-to object. This means that the parameter is guaranteed to only reside in the current stack frame, or within objects that satisfy this same constraint. Registers --------- A register consists of a type and a name. A function can have an arbitrary amount of registers. If a function is in SSA form, a register can only be assigned once, and is required to be assigned explicitly before use. Registers are guaranteed to be completely zeroed out upon function entry. Register declarations have the grammar: .. productionlist:: RegisterDeclaration : [ `MetadataList` ] "register" `TypeSpecification` `Identifier` ";" The grammar for a register reference is: .. productionlist:: Register : `Identifier` Basic blocks ------------ A basic block is a linear sequence of instructions, containing exactly one terminator instruction at the end. This terminator instruction can branch to other basic blocks, return from the function, etc. Basic block declarations have the grammar: .. productionlist:: BasicBlockDeclaration : [ `MetadataList` ] "block" ( "entry" | `Identifier` ) [ `UnwindSpecification` ] "{" `Instruction` { `Instruction` } "}" UnwindSpecification : "unwind" `BasicBlock` The unwind specification is a basic block reference and specifies where to unwind to if an exception is thrown within the basic block. The grammar for a basic block reference is: .. productionlist:: BasicBlock : "entry" | `Identifier` Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instructions encode the actual logic of a program. They're contained linearly in basic blocks. Their grammar is: .. productionlist:: Instruction : [ `MetadataList` ] `InstructionAttributes` [ `Register` "=" ] ? any instruction ? [ `Register` [ "," `Register` [ "," `Register` ] ] ] [ `InstructionOperand` ] ";" InstructionAttributes : [ "volatile" ] InstructionOperand : "(" ( `Literal` | `LiteralArray` | `BasicBlock` | `BranchTarget` | `ForeignSymbol` | `TypeSpecification` | `Member` | `GlobalField` | `ThreadField` | `Function` | `DataBlock` ) ")" BranchTarget : `BasicBlock` "," `BasicBlock` RegisterSelector : `Register` { "," `Register` } ForeignSymbol : `Identifier` "," `Identifier` The full list of valid instructions (with register counts, operand types, and so on) can be found on the instruction set page. Note that the parser is driven by that information; for example, if an instruction requires a field reference as operand, the parser will expect to be able to parse one. The ``volatile`` attribute ensures that an instruction is not reordered (by the optimization pipeline and code generator) relative to other volatile instructions. Further, instructions that seem dead (a store followed by a store to the exact same location, for example) will not be optimized out. This is useful to model the semantics of the ``volatile`` qualifier in the C family of languages. Note that it has nothing to do with concurrency. Some attributes only have meaning for certain instructions. For example, the ``volatile`` attribute has no meaning for instructions that don't involve memory accesses. Meaningless attributes are allowed on instructions but optimizers are free to remove them. The linter will also warn about them. Data blocks +++++++++++ Data blocks are blobs of arbitrary data: .. productionlist:: DataBlockDeclaration : "data" `Identifier` "(" `LiteralArray` ")" ";" Data blocks consist of a series of unsigned 8-bit bytes. They can contain any data at all. They hold no particular meaning as far as the MCI is concerned. Data block references have the grammar: .. productionlist:: DataBlock : [ `Module` "/" ] `Identifier` Entry points ++++++++++++ An entry point can be specified for a module. If this is done, the module effectively becomes executable as a program. The grammar is: .. productionlist:: EntryPointDeclaration : "entry" `Function` ";" An entry point function must return ``int32``, have no parameters, and have standard calling convention. A module entry point can be specified. It will be called before any code inside the module is executed at all and/or any loads, stores, and address-of operations on static/TLS fields in the module. The grammar is: .. productionlist:: ModuleEntryPointDeclaration : "module" "entry" `Function` ";" A module exit point can also be specified. It will be called once a program has returned from its main entry point. The grammar is: .. productionlist:: ModuleExitPointDeclaration : "module" "exit" `Function` ";" Module entry and exit points must have no parameters, return ``void``, and have standard calling convention. Module entry and exit points will only be called once during a program's execution time. A module's module exit point is only guaranteed to be called if that module's module entry point was ever called during execution time. Module entry points are guaranteed to be called before any thread entry points. Module exit points are guaranteed to be called after any thread exit points. A thread entry point can also be specified. Such an entry point is guaranteed to run before a properly registered thread gets a chance to execute any other managed code inside the module. This is useful for initializing TLS data. The grammar is: .. productionlist:: ThreadEntryPointDeclaration : "thread" "entry" `Function` ";" A thread entry point function must return ``void``, have no parameters, and have standard calling convention. Note that thread entry points may be invoked concurrently if multiple threads enter the virtual machine at the same time. The same holds true for thread exit points when threads exit. Thread exit points are also available to help tear down TLS data. They are guaranteed to be called just before a thread exits, and will only be called once the thread has stopped executing any other managed code. The grammar is: .. productionlist:: ThreadExitPointDeclaration : "thread" "exit" `Function` ";" As with thread entry points, these must return ``void``, have no parameters, and have standard calling convention. A module's thread exit point is only guaranteed to be called if that module's thread entry point has been called. A module can only have one entry point, one thread entry point, one thread exit point, one module entry point, and one module exit point (all are optional). They must refer to functions inside the module. Normally, thread entry and exit points and module entry and exit points will only be called whenever some thread attempts to access code (or fields) inside the module they belong to. Some execution engines may, however, choose to load all of a program's modules eagerly, resulting in these entry and exit points being executed even if no code inside their module was executed during the program's execution time. Code inside thread entry and exit points and module entry and exit points must not make any assumptions about the order they are called in. The order will for all practical purposes be deterministic, but this is by no means guaranteed. Metadata ++++++++ Metadata can be attached to type declarations, field declarations, function declarations, register declarations, basic block declarations, and instructions. The grammar is: .. productionlist:: MetadataList : "[" `MetadataPair` { "," `MetadataPair` } "]" MetadataPair : `Identifier` ":" `Identifier` Metadata is mostly useful to the optimizer and compiler pipeline.